5 Kids (Now & Then) - borderYes, it is true that step-siblings in high school and college have created and launched SwimmersBest. We hope that doesn’t cause concern or apprehension on the part of our buyers. But it may help explain how so much of the SwimmersBest product line involves ‘out of the box’ and ‘out of the norm’ technology. We have trained as a family for the past 8 years and we have focused on optimizing the amount of time we spend in training. This approach to ‘more efficient’ training has meant a regular and on-going evaluation of the equipment available and the limitations of devices we have used in practices. As a family of 5 swimmers and 2 licensed coach parents, our dinner discussions very often revolve around swim technique and equipment. Bethany as the most serious swimmer in the family, has used this ‘family affair’ as a springboard to launch her own career as a swim technique specialist. Her interests then combined with the Mechanical Engineering interests of both brothers and the patent interest of Warren and, SwimmersBest was born.

The product line started with our frustration over an adequate EVF paddle and our own ideas to invent such a device. From there the product line has continually expanded into nearly all aspects of swim training equipment. We spent over a year in development for the 1FastCatch paddle line and held off launching until we were sure our designs were right and our quality robust. The rest of our products also undergo the same degree of critical analysis and we don’t launch a product until we are sure we have features that are unique among the competitive products on the market.

Bethany Tilson

Head of Sales
Bethany Headshot - cropped & border

Bethany is head of Sales and Product Development. She stars in, writes, and edits all of the Training Videos and Technique Support. Bethany is the Co-Inventor in many patents. Along with Product Development, she runs all types of clinics across the country!  She runs clinics for competitive swimmers, swim coaches, Triathletes, and Triathlete coaches. She owns and runs the Aquanex system. Bethany is also a Certified USA Swim Coach, and Co-Head Coaches a 160 swimmer summer team. She also coaches various year round teams. Bethany specializes in detecting technique problems and showing the swimmer and coach the best plan of correcting the problems.



Jackson Snell

Chief Engineer
Jackson Headshot - cropped & borderJackson is the mechanical engineer for all SwimmersBest products. He teaches AutoCad and oversees the 3D printer production for SwimmersBest. He is also the cameraman for all SwimmersBest training videos.




Mallory Tilson

Marketing Director
Mallory Headshot. - cropped & borderMallory oversees sales and marketing for SwimmersBest. She is the company photographer and creates the marketing videos. She works with Jackson and Bethany to help steer the development and design of SwimmersBest products. Along with Bethany, Mallory is also a swimmer in the training videos.






Warren Snell

Patent and Trademark Oversight
Warren Headshot.- cropped & borderWarren attends Ga Tech as a Mechanical Engineering student. He will then work on his law degree to become a patent lawyer. Warren writes all provisional patents and works with our outside patent attorney to help mastermind the patent and trademark strategy for the company.





Shelby Wilson

Shelby Headshot - cropped & borderShelby is the staff illustrator and designer. She and her husband, Nathan are both assistant coaches for the summer league team, Griffin Gators.






Eric & Carrie Snell

Glue that Binds
Carrie and Eric Headshot - Cropped & BorderOf course there are a LOT of details left in creating and running SwimmersBest. Parents Eric and Carrie are both certified coaches who train their 5 kids, assist with Bethany’s year round team when she has classes, and help coach our local team, the Griffin Gators. For swimmersbest they oversee the production staff, handle purchasing of miles of 3D filament and other inventory, oversee local seamstresses, oversee the shipping and handling details, and all the other day-to-day functions involved in running the company.




Swim Team Training

Bethany Coaching 3 - cropped & borderBethany runs a year-round swim team in our home pool in Pike County Georgia as well as the Coach for the summer league, Griffin Gators. For the year-round team, the goals of her training are to help swimmers access new techniques with an efficient blend of:

Classroom Training (diagrams and key words before hitting the pool)
Tactile Training (with her specially designed equipment and the Endless Pool)
Visual Training (with the latest video and computer software)
Lane/Lap Training (nothing matters until you put it into action and then at race pace)
Conditioning Training (Putting it all together for long-term development)

Training sessions are from 6:00 – 7:00 pm Mon-Thursday.

Contact Bethany for more information.

Swim Clinics – In House

Bethany conducts swim clinics every other Saturday in our 2-lane pool with an Endless Pool. Each clinic focuses on specific techniques such as 2-handed turns, flip turns, Early Vertical Forearm, breakouts, and such. The topic for each clinic is determined a few weeks in advance. Call us with your needs and schedule and we will fit you in.

Swim Clinics – On Site

Bethany and Swimmersbest offers a wide range of swim clinics for your team at your pool. We specialize in unique drills and methods to improve techniques in the most efficient ways possible. Call us for availability and a customized training plan.