Be prepared to block out 30-45 mins for dryland work
Start with 30 mins and once they can easily do this increase the time
We recommend starting with 2 circuits (15 mins / circuit)
Plan out a weekly chart on what muscle chain you will focus on for each day (2 Muscle Chains / day)
Example of our National Prep Group Dryland
Progression of exercises:
Focus on form
Once you have decent form on exercises, add small weight or resistance to the exercises
When the kids can do with weight, add another component to make exercise harder NOTE: weight will vary between kids so keep an eye out and modify weight per swimmer
Example of Squat progression (which is a good exercise for the Wall Power Muscle Chain)
Regular Squat no weight- double check form
Squat with 6lb Slam Ball/Sandbag/Quick Sand/Med Ball held at chest