Train in Any Pool
Swim in Place Swimming is for:
- Competitive Swimmers in backyard pools
- Triathletes
- Exercise fans
- Vacation swim training
Stationary swimming is a great way to keep in shape while on a break, vacation, and sport swimming. We offer tons of kits and upgrades for you to choose from. We offer so many to make sure you have the options you need to choose what kit suits your needs the best.
3 different systems to tether you for swim in place
- Basic Stationary Swim Trainer (see below)
- Half Long stretch cords
- Lane Line Stationary Swim Trainer (which is only for competitive pools with lane lines and not covered here).
- Please scroll down this page to see more about our kits to ensure your workouts are engaging and challenging!
- Dig deeper into exercises and workouts with an article on this topic before you buy. (click here)