Add Wrist Attachments to Paddles
1FastCatch Wrist Trainer
Fits ALL paddles
Remind, not force, the desired wrist angle
Adjustable degree of wrist bend
Train with and without the Wrist Trainers for muscle memory
Wrist can bend back at the outsweep
Purchase Options
Additional Uses/Tips/Support:
Ideal for men, women, and swimmers 11+ years old
Improve Breaststroke Catch
- The Wrist Trainer can help drive the elbows up quickly on the breast catch
- An early catch requires some wrist bend while not too much (about 15-20 degrees)
- Use it with the Precision or Glide Paddles for Breaststroke catch
- Normal sculling, outsweep drills with these paddle options
- With the Glide paddle the out scull has to be very flat and deliberate
- With the Precision (or Precise) paddle, the catch will not allow much dropped elbow
Feedback (Swimmers FEEL / Coaches SEE / Video for Self-Analysis):
- FEEL the Wrist Trainer pressing on your wrist as you catch
- Drive your elbows forward and your fingertips down
Using the Wrist Trainer to Fine Tune Breaststroke Catch
Improve Backstroke Catch
- The Wrist Trainer can keep the elbow up to create a quicker/stronger backstroke catch
- It acts like ‘reaching over’ a line as it reminds your bend the elbow quickly
- Helps minimize ‘dropped elbow’ on the catch
- Train with single arm drills
- The Glide paddle will clean up the entry and force a strong catch
- The Precision paddle will help retrain a dropped elbow (which is often the most important on the breakout stroke)
- The Precision paddle will force you to focus more on the power from the forearm
Feedback (Swimmers FEEL / Coaches SEE / Video for Self-Analysis):
- The Glide paddle will allow you to FEEL any loss of power in the catch
- You should not FEEL the Precision paddle to try to move off you hand, even slightly
Using the Wrist Trainer to Fine Tune Backstroke Catch
Create a Higher Elbow on Freestyle Entry
- The value of a ‘High Elbow’ Early Vertical Forearm can not be overstated for all strokes
- While the Wrist Trainer is designed to ‘train a 20 degree wrist bend’, it also helps create an EVF catch
- With the Glide paddle the Wrist Trainer helps create a straight path under the shoulder
- With the Precision paddle the Wrist Trainer helps to add focus to the forearm
- With the Touch paddle, the Wrist Trainer can improve the EVF and wrist angle while developing power
Feedback (Swimmers FEEL / Coaches SEE / Video for Self-Analysis):
- You should FEEL your wrist bend, but not too much
- The Wrist Trainer will make your strokes FEEL different… but different can be good!
Using the Wrist Trainer to Fine Tune Freestyle Catch