Wrist Trainer

Add Wrist Attachments to Paddles

1FastCatch Wrist Trainer

  • Fits ALL paddles
  • Remind, not force, the desired wrist angle
  • Adjustable degree of wrist bend
  • Train with and without the Wrist Trainers for muscle memory
  • Wrist can bend back at the outsweep







Purchase Options


Additional Uses/Tips/Support:


Ideal for men, women, and swimmers 11+ years old

Improve Breaststroke Catch

  • The Wrist Trainer can help drive the elbows up quickly on the breast catch
  • An early catch requires some wrist bend while not too much (about 15-20 degrees)
  • Use it with the Precision or Glide Paddles for Breaststroke catch
  • Normal sculling, outsweep drills with these paddle options
  • With the Glide paddle the out scull has to be very flat and deliberate
  • With the Precision (or Precise) paddle, the catch will not allow much dropped elbow

Feedback (Swimmers FEEL / Coaches SEE / Video for Self-Analysis):

  • FEEL the Wrist Trainer pressing on your wrist as you catch
  • Drive your elbows forward and your fingertips down

Using the Wrist Trainer to Fine Tune Breaststroke Catch

Improve Backstroke Catch

  • The Wrist Trainer can keep the elbow up to create a quicker/stronger backstroke catch
  • It acts like ‘reaching over’ a line as it reminds your bend the elbow quickly
  • Helps minimize ‘dropped elbow’ on the catch
  • Train with single arm drills
  • The Glide paddle will clean up the entry and force a strong catch
  • The Precision paddle will help retrain a dropped elbow (which is often the most important on the breakout stroke)
  • The Precision paddle will force you to focus more on the power from the forearm

Feedback (Swimmers FEEL / Coaches SEE / Video for Self-Analysis):

  • The Glide paddle will allow you to FEEL any loss of power in the catch
  • You should not FEEL the Precision paddle to try to move off you hand, even slightly

Using the Wrist Trainer to Fine Tune Backstroke Catch

Create a Higher Elbow on Freestyle Entry

  • The value of a ‘High Elbow’ Early Vertical Forearm can not be overstated for all strokes
  • While the Wrist Trainer is designed to ‘train a 20 degree wrist bend’, it also helps create an EVF catch
  • With the Glide paddle the Wrist Trainer helps create a straight path under the shoulder
  • With the Precision paddle the Wrist Trainer helps to add focus to the forearm
  • With the Touch paddle, the Wrist Trainer can improve the EVF and wrist angle while developing power

Feedback (Swimmers FEEL / Coaches SEE / Video for Self-Analysis):

  • You should FEEL your wrist bend, but not too much
  • The Wrist Trainer will make your strokes FEEL different… but different can be good!

Using the Wrist Trainer to Fine Tune Freestyle Catch


* Swimmersbest.com offers a 1 year limited warranty covering any product failure due to manufacturing defects. Returned products will be repaired or replaced at manufacturer’s discretion


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