FRA01 Category: Single Arms only
Pulling with only 1 arm at a time, either for an entire pool length or alternating 3-5 on one side and 3-5 on the opposite side. These drills only involve variations without a kick. Many similar drills can be found as Freestyle strokes section with the added kick.
Focus on the quality of the hand entry position, EVF catch, path of the arm through the power phase and finishing through the outsweep.
Variables that can be incorporated into all variations:
- No buoy at all (which can improve the T-press of the chest)
- With or without a Tech Snorkel to train neutral head position
- Buoy between thighs
- Buoy between ankles with 1Flexband as safety strap to develop side-to-side balance
- Touch Paddle is ideal to help improve the ‘push’ prior to outsweep
- Precision paddle is deal to improve the EVF catch and muscle development
FRA01-01 Side-of-Pool Drill
- Lay on the edge of the pool with 1 arm hanging over the side
- Break the arm stroke into 4 steps so the swimmer STOPS at each step (the coach can correct each step until the swimmer gets it right)
- Start with the arm in the water at about a 45 degree angle downward (in the water the swimmer can SEE their hand from the point of entry until the point of catch)
- 1st ‘BEND” – Drop the hand straight downward but keep the elbow high and forward (the coach can touch the back of the elbow to help keep it in position)
- 2nd ‘FINISH’ – Finish the stroke with the hand under the thigh so the thumb touches the thigh (hand facing back toward the feet to ‘push’ water through the entire stroke)
- 3rd ‘LIFT’ Lift the elbow out of the water so the hand and arm follows the elbow. Then recover the arm over the shoulder (this is hard to do since the body will not rotate as it should in the water)
- 4th ‘ENTER’ Insert the hand back into the start position with the hand entering with a high elbow and the hand directly next to the head. Aim downward at a 45 degree angle so you can see the hand as it enters
FRA01-02 Non-stroking arm up (added focus on stability of the non-stroking hand)
- Focus on the same 4 steps as FRA01-01
FRA01-03 Non-stroking Arm down (added focus on degree of rotation, timing of rotation)
- Focus on the same 4 steps as FRA01-01
FRA02 Category: Alternating Arms Only
Alternating arm strokes without a kick. The same as FRA01-01 except with 2 arms alternating in the water.
Can be ideal to focus on quality of hand entry, EVF catch, power phase and outsweep. Also ideal for muscle development.
Variables that can be incorporated into all variations:
- No buoy at all (which can improve the T-press of the chest)
- With or without a Tech Snorkel to train neutral head position
- Buoy between thighs
- Buoy between ankles with 1Flexband as safety strap to develop side-to-side balance (GIF)
- Added drag such as Power Bags on the feet to help improve muscle development
- Power Bags over the forearms to improve recovery and Catch phases
- EVF Kit to force power to wrist area for stronger EVF (GIF)
- Touch Paddle is ideal to help improve the ‘push’ prior to outsweep (GIF)
- Precision paddle is deal to improve the EVF catch (GIF)
- Wrap Knuckles over the front of a flat paddle to force power to wrist area for EVF (GIF)